I am happy to help you find the connection with yourself
My story
I am Ayla Oostrom. Hypnotherapist and hypnosis trainer. All my life I have been interested in other people, cultures and perspectives. This began when I moved with my parents to Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, at the age of three. Because of this, I grew up with different images than my peers in the Netherlands. I discovered this when I returned to the Netherlands at age 9 and found out that my classmates thought I had been living in a shack in the jungle, whereas Nairobi was already a very modern city in the 1990s.
After high school, I studied political communication in Amsterdam. During this study, I focused on the relationship between politics, media and society. I found my studies fascinating because political communication is also about different perspectives through which people view society.
After my studies, I went to Mumbai for a six-month internship with the organization Teach For India. Here I taught drama to children in the slums. This was a tremendously enriching experience for me and this sparked in me a passion to work with children.
Back in the Netherlands, I completed the Pabo education after which I worked in the classroom for a few years. The contact with the children was very enriching and inspiring but preparing lesson plans and elaborate action plans was not what made my heart beat faster. I also found being in front of the class to be tough. 30 unique beings all with special needs and characteristics full of energy. In the classroom, every moment is meaningful. For someone who is highly sensitive and notices a lot emotionally from other people, this was exhausting.
During my last year before class, I decided to take my mother Ina Oostrom ‘s hypnotherapy training. At that time, my mother had been successfully practicing hypnosis for more than 10 years. During training, I found out that hypnosis is much more fascinating than my mother had suggested all those years at the kitchen table. That same year I started my own practice and immediately began working with clients.
The images we grow up with largely determine how we view life even in later life. This is something I come across again and again in my sessions with the people I work with. Hypnosis helps you look at your life and yourself with a new perspective. With my practice School of Joy, I want to help people be able to follow their passion in order to have fun in life. Hypnosis for me is fun, connecting, creativity and standing in your own strength.
I am happy to help you to find the connection with yourself and to realize the changes in your life that you long for. Change from your subconscious mind is powerful and permanent. I don’t work with diagnoses or long treatment plans. I like to take extensive time for my sessions in which we first discuss how hypnosis works exactly and what I expect from you during the session. We also discuss in detail your goal and the things you encounter in your life. Then we start with the hypnosis. If you want to know more about me, feel free to send me a message.

Designated certification instructor OMNI
Are you interested in becoming a hypnotherapist yourself? Then click to view training opportunities here .

OMNI hypnosis and hypnotherapy training
In this I learned to work with regression therapy and parts therapy.

Special hypnosis techniques aimed at children and young adults.
Certified Havening® practitioner
Havening is a new form of therapy that uses touch at the arms, palms and face that allows you to process deep trauma in a relatively simple way that does not require you to go back into the pain of the trauma for very long.

Hypnocell® allows you to work in hypnosis at the cellular level. This can be useful, for example, in improving athletic performance or recovering faster from surgery.

The hypnoslim is a hollistic method that helps you get to your healthy weight permanently.
How clients experience me
Great experience had with Ayla
Received with so much care and love. I felt extremely comfortable and could really surrender to the hypnosis. I was able to resolve and process my stated issues through the sessions. What and verrijiking. Thank you dear Ayla.
I had only one hypnosis session with Ayla for self-confidence improvement and it was an absolute turning point in my life!
Not only we had a session but she also taught me how to do a self-hypnosis on my own terms. The session was great! Therapeutic collaboration with me was very soothing, Ayla was very emphatic, non-judgmental and very professional. Before the meeting, we had a conversation and I wrote to her what I expect from the therapy. During the session instead of going deeper, I felt I am going higher and Ayla had to manage the unplanned situation here and now. She did it very well. It shows how professional and skillful she is. She created such a safe atmosphere in the therapy that I had no choice but to open up since the first minutes we met and that was very helpful. I felt safe to go very deep into my subconscious mind. We came to the point where my low self-esteem issue started. I had an opportunity to forgive and let go of the people who hurt me in the past and even though it was a hypnotic trance It felt so real that in waking life I have no resentment or grudges to them anymore. During the session I understood that I have a very negative inner voice about myself that pulls me down in real-life situations and Ayla with specific methods made my inner voice an opposite – encouraging, supporting, motivating voice. I no longer say harmful words about myself, I am paying attention to the inner monologues I have and they are very much cheering me up! Also during the session, Ayla helped me to draw a picture of my perfect future. It felt so real that I am projecting it in my mind every day and waiting for that to come. I feel that it must come and I am very excited about my future. Overall I can say that I have never felt happier in my life! I feel happy and at ease every day. I feel confident about my future, I am confident looking for a new job, I feel definitely more confident going to new places, confident expressing my feelings and needs and saying my opinion. I can’t even believe that my self-confidence improved so much! I was always as I remember scared to talk in public, afraid of judgments and critic and now I feel that I do me and I do not care what others think about me. I started to work with network marketing and even created a group in Facebook where I am talking about organic products. I get a lot of encouragement, people support me and it gives me even more confidence! Unbelievable! I thought that I could never do it but I do and the more videos I create the more confidence I gain. So the session was amazing, it helped me tremendously, I even started to feel that I am very beautiful! And it improved my relationship with my partner because I was often too shy, feeling not attractive, not good enough for him. My life has definitely changed after only one session, so what great results await if I book a hypnosis session with Ayla again! She did an amazing job and I will never say thanks enough to her for how good I feel. I absolutely recommend this specialist to everyone!
Promotional recording during the 40-year OMNI celebration in Zurich.